Indus Valley Civilization

Harappa the first Indus site was discovered by Shri. Dayaram Sahini

R.D. Banerjee discovered Mohenjedaro, which is located in the Larkhana District of Sindh, now in Pakistan.

John Marshal, who is closely associated with Indus Valley Civilization, discovered some seats at Mohenjedarao

Alexander Cunningham is known as the Father of Indian Archeology

Indus Valley Civilization belongs to the Chalcolithic period dated between 3000 BC and 1500 BC

The most important feature of this civilization was its town planning and urbanization

Mohenjedaro is also know as the "Mount of the Dead" which has the largest buildings, the Great Grannery and also the Great Bath

Harappan knew the art of growing creates, wheat and barley.

Kalibangan is located on the banks of river Ghaggar in Rajasthan

Banawali is situated in Haryana

Lothal, a port city which contained a dockyard is located on the banks of river Bhagavo in Gujarat.

The Indus people obtained modern amenities like underground drainage, well laid out roads, multistory house built with burnt bricks

They used a gold-silver mixture called electrum

They used bronze and copper, but iron was unknown to them.

Chess-like game of Harapans was called Sent

Harapan Seals were made of Terra-cotta

Dog was the first animal to be domesticated beside oxen, baffaloes, goats, sheep and pigs.

Horses were unknown to them

People cultivated rice at Lothal and Rangur and Barley at Banawali

The Indus people were the earliest people to produce cotton.

The ancient name given to the Indus region was Meluha

Indus People worshiped Mother Goddess and also a seated figure of a male god as the image of Pasupati Mahadeva.

The largest number of Harappan sites in post independence India have been discovered in Gujarat

Harappan Civilization extended from Jammy in the North Narmada in the south and from Makran coast of Baluchisthan in the west of Meerut in the east

Northernmost point of Indus Valle was Gumla in Jammu and southernmost was Halvana in Surat

The invation of Aryan and natural calamities like earthquakes, flood etc led to the destruction of Indus Valley Civilisation by 1500 BC.

It is belived that Mohanjodaro might have been distroyed by flood.

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